Variants Options Swatch King

Shopify Rating: 5
Shopify App Reviewers: 439

Variants Options Swatch King was developed by StarApps Studio. The company launched in 2016 and has established itself as a variant expert on Shopify ever since. The app simplifies the process of adding variants to an online store. Shopify’s built-in option selectors have many problems and it provides a solution to all of those.

Store owners can display a preview of variants or swatches instead of bland product options. The visuals help customers find the right variant faster. The swatches can be product images or different colors. Besides, store owners can also show a group of products together as variants on the product page. By grouping products, they can display over 100 variants along with offering more than 3 product options. They can also upload color or image swatches in bulk. And it’s easy to switch to this app from an old variant app.

The app solves the issue of auto-selection that Shopify themes have. They select a default variant when a customer adds a product to their cart. Customers can accidentally order the default even if they like another one. The app changes this configuration so that customers can add the correct variant to their cart. Another issue that it solves is linked product selection. Shopify themes tend to show product options inconveniently. They might show combinations that exist for some products but not for others. So showing available combinations, this app fixes everything.

The variant options are easy to customize. Store owners can show variants of the same product in multiple ways. They can also choose to hide or show variants that are out of stock. All the swatches, buttons, and drop-down menus that the app provides can be customized to match the store’s theme.

The app has three paid plans at $14.90/mo, $29.90/mo, and $49.90/mo. The selection of plans depends on whether a Shopify store is Basic, Advanced, or Plus. The app is free for Shopify Staff, Partners, and Trial stores. And for Pause and Build stores, it starts from $5/mo. However, store owners can try the app with a 30-day free trial.

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