Smart SEO

Shopify Rating: 4.9
Shopify App Reviewers: 691

The Smart SEO app was created by a company called that was started by Vipin Jain. They’re dedicated to developing software solutions that fit the specific needs of a Shopify store. What’s unique? Well, users can collaborate with them on any idea they may come up with.

This app is made to improve the search engine ranking, generate more organic traffic, and boost sales. It does most of the work automatically so that users can spend their time focusing on other important aspects of their business.

All the boring and daunting SEO tasks are automated through the use of this application. Take generating meta tags for example. The best part is that this is the only Shopify app that can do it instantly. Other platforms can take days to do the same task.

This application also supports Shopify’s multi-language system so that users can create meta titles and descriptions for each language. This is done to boost their store’s international sales. Image alt tags can also be generated to improve the search engine ranking of the product page.

One of its best features is the sitemap support. It lets users choose the pages of the sitemap themselves with possibly the easiest process.

To help the search ranking even more, Smart SEO looks to fix any broken links and provides structured data to Google in JSON-LD format. It helps because the search engine will know about the store in detail and will boost it higher up their rank. It also checks for microdata (structured data in a legacy format) that will have to be removed if present in the store.

Smart SEO gives two plans to choose from. One is free and the premium one costs $4.99 per month.

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