Facebook Ad Examples You Can Use to Promote Your eCommerce Store!

Facebook Ad Examples You Can Use to Promote Your eCommerce Store
Facebook Ad Examples You Can Use to Promote Your eCommerce Store

Analyzing Facebook ad examples is the best way to see how powerful and profitable Facebook advertising is. With over a billion active users, Facebook already has your target audiences. All you have to do is reach out to them. 

Recently, the number of advertisers using Facebook ads has tripled, reaching an all-time high of 10 million. And guess what? This increasing trend is a great proof of how profitable Facebook ads can be. 

facebook ad examples statistics

In this article, we will see how powerful and feature-packed Facebook ads are. After that, we’re gonna learn what makes it successful for advertising, assessing 15 great ad examples.

Besides, I’ve also added insights on how you can follow similar strategies for your eCommerce store. So let’s begin!

Table of Contents

Features of Facebook Ads

Here’s a quick list that explains the amazing features offered by Facebook Ads: 

  1. Dynamic Ads: Alter according to your customer preferences and behavior. In fact, you can personalize these ads without any manual work.
  1. Remarketing: With Facebook remarketing, you can reach people who’ve already interacted with or checked out your brand in some way.
  1. Carousel: Carousel ads can showcase up to 10 images or videos in a single ad, each with different links.
  1. Collection: Allow customers to discover and purchase products from their phones using Facebook’s visually immersive Instant Experience feature.
  1. Facebook Pixel: It will automatically track actions on your website and use this data for your paid ads and organic posts.

Now that we have a general idea of Facebook’s capability, let’s dive into 15 great ad examples and see why they stand out. 

14 Facebook Ads Examples That Can Give You A Great Idea for Your Store Promotion

Luxy Hair – An Ingenious Ad

Luxy Hair’s Facebook ad examples are packed with ingenious advertising strategies that we all can learn from. 

luxy hair facebook ad example

Ingenious Feature Promotions

The Facebook Ad smartly attracts its visitors offering a 10% discount. It also doesn’t forget to highlight the ‘FREE US Shipping.’ 

High-Quality Images 

First of all, it employs both video and high-quality image styles to grab its audience’s attention. Second, these high-quality images allow the target audience to picture themselves using Luxy Hair’s extensions. 

Emotionally Engaging Ad 

It also appeals to a visitor’s emotion stating “Time to Love Your Hair Again” as their Call To Action. 

Influencer Marketing 

Luxy Hair employs influencer marketing strategies and is often seen partnering with multiple influencers to spread the word. Here are Luxy Hair’s influencer Facebook Ad examples in action: 

facebook ad example in action

While not every store would have the budget for hiring a celebrity, you can easily work with a social media influencer or micro-influencer for your Facebook Ads. By the way, if you think your friends look like a model, grab a camera and have a photoshoot right away 😉 

Sephora – Playful & Informative Ad Copy

Sephora’s ads are a strong blend of playfulness and detailed information. 


Here are a few things that make Sephora’s ads stand out: 

Visually Engaging 

Sephora uses bright and bold colors to add a sense of freshness while promoting a new product line. On the other hand, it adds a touch of specificity with some statistics, displaying how effective their serum could be. 


There’s a sense of urgency with the Exclusive Limited Time Offer and the short & impactful copy for the ad is the cherry on top. 

Sephora also uses a Carousel Facebook Ad for promoting its makeup collections. Here’s an example:

sephore carosel ads

The Night Sky – The Environmentalist

the night sky facebook ad example

Brand Mission And Impact 

The Night Sky does an amazing job for promoting its commitment to the environment, making it a compelling steal for nature enthusiasts. It uses a small and engaging video to mention its stance and how purchasing Night Sky Prints contribute towards the betterment of the planet in a small yet thoughtful way. 

Social Proof 

The second Facebook Ad featuring the Night Sky engages its audience in social proof, mentioning how 20,000+ reviewers have loved their product.

Subtle Promotion

It smartly slides in its unique features demonstrating how the product would make for a great gift. 

However, the ad could have been better if it could craft a compelling call to action instead of simply dropping in the website link beside the ‘Shop Now’ button. 

Meowingtons – The Visual Ad Copy

meowingtons ad copy

Meowingtons is a popular dropshipping store that caters to cat lovers and offers cat accessories, merch, and much more. 

Niche-Tailored Ads 

It uses minimal text and drives the viewers attention directly using visuals. The visuals are specially tailored to appear cute and good enough to impress its cat-loving audience, which makes it one of the best niche-tailored Facebook ad examples for dropshippers. 


It offers a promotion to drive customers to act on the ad. By offering the promo code right on the ad, Meowingtons aims to increase the conversion rates. 

Meowingtons uses the Facebook Ad carousel feature to display its new product line. Besides, the potential customer can get a gist of how the product would look on them. 

meowingtons facebook carousel ad

Snapfish – It’s All About the Brand

Snapfish maintains brand image consistency in most of its Facebook Ads. This brand consistency leaves an impression on its customers minds, allowing them to remember Snapfish for a longer time. 


Seasonal Promotions 

Employs videos tactfully and allows visitors to go through a series of festive memories, inspiring them to make the purchase. 

Memorable Images 

Includes a memorable tone to engage the audience, making it a successful, effective social media advertising example for seasonal promotion. 

Balancing Professional And Pushy 

Balancing the use of CTAs and adding ‘Learn More’ instead of ‘Shop Now’ – the ad doesn’t appear too pushy and maintains a professional tone. 

One aspect that could be further improved is the amount of text used on the ads. Using a short and effective copy, Snapfish’s Facebook ad strategy can better retain visitor’s attention. 

Koala – Imaginary & Witty Copy

Koala is a furniture brand that uses vivid imagery and witty copy to grab the attention of its visitors.


Engaging Ad Copy 

There are multiple emos to keep the reader engaged and gives the ad a very vibrant look. “In case you missed it…” is a great way to start an ad.


Mentioning the prices on the Facebook Ad itself, Koala comes as a transparent and customer-friendly brand. Not only this, it maintains a positive and inviting tone, which is a common thread between most successful Facebook ad examples. 

Pour Moi – Bold & Beautiful

Pour Moi’s ad strategies are strikingly straightforward. First, it’s expresses itself clearly while connecting with its target audience, which is women. 

pour moi facebook ad example

Leveraging Emotions Correctly

It promotes self-love and self-care, both of which form a popular and impactful appeal, leading to nothing but sales. 

Discounts to Attract Potential Customers 

Next, it appeals to the audience’s pocket and compels them with a 25% off discount and a promo code. 

Effective CTA

Finally, it uses short and effective copy as a CTA. 

pour moi ad cta

Bombas – Less is More!

Bombas deserves a spot on the best Facebook Ad Examples 2021 because of its short and actionable ads.

bombas facebook ad

Clear Brand Voice

Bombas’s Facebook ad examples not only deliver the message of why Bombas stands out but also wittingly adds in how durable it is. As you can see, they’re giving away a lifetime guarantee. 

Attractive Discounts 

Additionally, their tactic of offering a 20% discount makes the ad viewer pause for a while and consider the offer.

Vivid Imagery

By solely focussing on the feet, the ad imagery and video allow customers to picture these socks on themselves.  

bombas facebook ad images

Chubbies – Witty Humor Is A Winner

Here’s how short and witty humor steals the game. Chubbies is an excellent Facebook Ad example as it manages to sell itself in an 8-word short sentence. 

chubbies facebook ad view

Humor Done Right 

This ad wins support because, unlike Google Search ads where visitors have a very intended search, users on Facebook are not seeking your product while scrolling through their Facebook feeds. This is where pop-culture references can be absolutely effective in ads. 


Its Facebook ad creates a subtle sense of urgency stating, “sell out faster,” prompting the visitors to shop now. 

Leveraging Facebook Ad Templates

Another point to note is that Chubbies maintains a constant ad identity because it repeats many of its Facebook ad templates. 

chubbies facebook ad template

Providing a short customer review, Chubbies provide social proof and fills all the checkboxes for a great Facebook ad example.

  1. Dollar Shave Club – Killing 2 Birds with 1 Stone

Dollar Shave Club’s Facebook ad pokes fun at other grooming product companies and kills two birds with one stone.

dollar shave club facebook ad example


The ad copy is aimed at both men and women, which demonstrates Dollar Shave Club as an inclusive brand and shows that it’s not overlooking potentially valuable female audiences.

Strong Brand Image and Social Proof

It leaves a strong and bold impact, providing social proof with those reviews vouching for the product. 

Hooking the Viewer for Longer

Dollar Shave Club is one of the great Facebook ad examples that we can learn compelling advertising from. So, the logic behind using a video for Facebook ads is that videos engage the content-seeking and feed-scrolling audiences for a long time. If you hold your visitor for long enough, they might just as well check your store out and make the purchase. 

Pat Pat – FOMO At Its Best

pat pat facebook ad example

Consistent Facebook Ad

PatPat uses a similar Facebook ad copy template for most of its ads. Maintaining similarity in its Facebook ad outlook creates a consistent image in the minds of its audience. 

Urgency and FOMO 

The ‘limited stock’ creates the FOMO effect and urges the target audience to act on the ad. 


The next point that makes PatPat’s ad one of the great customer-oriented Facebook ad examples is how it positions the product with smart photography. The ad allows parents or target audiences to visualize PatPat’s products on a baby or toddler. 

pat pat facebook ad relevancy
suzy shier facebook carousle ad

Suzy Shier doesn’t shy away from using carousel ads. After all, Carousel displays are a great Facebook ad strategy to grab your viewer’s attention towards your product line. 

Using Facebook Ad Manager the Right Way 

As you can see in the above ad, the clothing is of sober and plain colors. Suppose you divide your product line (especially apparel) by colour. In that case, you can easily create a retargeting ad for people who browse by colour and create another ad set in your Facebook ads manager based on this specificity. 

Perfect Text to Image Ratio

Since carousel ads tend to be more image intensive, it’s best to keep text to a minimum. By maintaining a great balance of short copy and trendy outfit images, Suzy Shier stands out as one of the great Facebook ads examples that we can learn from. 

Kay Jewelers – Tiggers that Awe Emotion

kay jewelers facebook ad

Emotional Appeal 

Kay Jewelers taps right into the emotional appeal of its target audience. By advertising real-life stories of customers, this Facebook ad example is a perfect demonstration of how social proof can make ads more relevant. 

Personal Touch

Adding a cute and personal touch to the ad, Kay Jeweler doesn’t prompt the viewer to BUY NOW. Instead of this, it uses the Learn More button that directs the viewer to the product page, but without making the ad look too pushy. 

kay jewelers facebook ad example

Brand Consistency 

What I like the most about this ad is- it vibes perfectly with the purpose of the store. The image in the above-mentioned picture creates an overall positive and bright vibe, inviting the viewer to remember a person dear to them and imagine gifting them the gemstone ring from Kay Jewelers. 

Notebook Therapy – Brand Value Matters

Notebook Therapy is undoubtedly an advertising giant. It’s a great Facebook ads example for dropshippers due to its tremendous popularity over the past few months. 

notebook therapy facebook ad

Inviting Ad Videos 

This Facebook ad example stands out for its straightforwardness and inviting look. Notebook Therapy’s Facebook ad is a fusion of cute copy and smart selling. 

It makes the target audience smile on its “Pop them down for a pencil pot” while practically explaining how the product works. 

Social Proof 

It builds trust with the viewer stating how popular the product is amongst customers.

FREE Shipping Hook 

Finally, it throws in another attractive offer of FREE shipping to drive those viewers into customers. 

notebook therapy free shipping offer

Expedia – Catchy And Quality Image

Here’s a remarketing Facebook ad example from Expedia in action. 

expedia facebook ad example

Remarketing Done Right 

I had previously browsed through Expedia’s page to check for a few open hotels despite Covid restrictions. Since I had previously engaged with the page, the ad settings in Expedia’s Facebook Ad Manager got into action and began reaching out to me with ads. 

Clever Imagery 

There’s a reason behind why this ad stands out. If you look closer at the picture above, 3 different types of landscapes would first catch your attention. The company cleverly shows how it can help me reach my favorite destination with ease. 

Final Words

There’s rarely a list without a winner. Let’s see what ads stand out the most in their respective categories. 

Winning BrandNiche
Pour MoiAppealing Apparel 
MeowingtonsDropshipping-friendly Facebook Ads 
ExpediaThe Remarketing Expert
The Night SkyMemorable Gifts 
Kay Jewelers Jewelry for Your Special One

These Facebook ad examples accurately demonstrate that audiences are looking for ads filled with time-killing entertainment, wit, and straightforwardness.

Tapping into Facebook ad strategies outlined in this article, your ads will unlock Facebook’s enormous potential and gain the traction your brand deserves!

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